How to Serve
Join Our Work in the Community
St. Paul is an active, giving community!
Find out more about our ministries to the local and worldwide community by visiting the pages of our Justice and Action section on the website.
Upcoming service opportunities:
While our activities are limited during the pandemic, we encourage you to help as you are able:
Krista Lucchesi invites you to volunteer to make bags of groceries or deliver them to those in need. Mercy Brown Bag is preparing bags and delivering them directly to seniors’ doorsteps. The available volunteer slots are on the MBB website under the volunteer tab Mercy Brown Bag.
It all takes place at 2845 Chapman St. In Oakland. If you’d like to help but those times don’t work, you can contact Krista here.
Alameda County Community Food Bank
needs help with packing emergency bags.
Meals on Wheels also needs non-risk volunteers
to help deliver food.
Giving your time and talents
Not sure where to start? Want to try something new? Be sure to complete our annual Time and Talent survey when it comes out this fall. The survey will help us learn more about you, your interests and skills. Can’t wait? Contact Pastor Holly for suggestions on how to get involved.
Serving in Worship
There are many ways to participate in worship services. To learn more about any of these opportunities, email Pastor Holly.
Welcome everyone on Sunday mornings with a warm smile! Inter-generational groups are especially welcome.
Lay members of the congregation who lead prayers, help serve communion, and assist the pastor during the worship service. People who are interested can attend an information session or talk to Pastor Holly.
Read the lessons of the day from the lectern. First time readers should speak with Pastor Holly.
Assist visitors and take the offering. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Sheldon here.
Sets the table for the feast! The members clean and set out the regular and seasonal altar linens, and the service items for communion.
Donated by congregation members, and arranged by talented volunteers. To arrange the altar flowers, please contact Sheldon here.
A time of food and fellowship immediately following worship. Hosts set up the tables, make coffee, and recruit others to help them provide the food. Most weeks a collection is taken up to benefit a charity or ministry of the Host’s choice.