What to Expect
We know it is hard to come to a church for the first time. That’s why we have tried to answer some of your questions, to make your first visit more familiar.
- Our worship typically lasts 60-75 minutes.
- There is no dress code. Please wear what is comfortable to you.
- Worship is traditional with a wide variety of music. The language of the service, not always the hymns, attempts to be inclusive and affirming.
- Your bulletin has most of the information you need for the service. The red hymnal in your pew contains all the hymns. St. Paul loves to sing. Feel free to sing or let the music wash over you.
- As part of our weekly services we do take an offering. If you are a guest, please do not feel any pressure or obligation to give.
- Communion is served every Sunday, both wine and grape juice. ALL are invited to the meal. Parents are responsible for determining when their child is ready to communion. If you do not feel comfortable communioning you may come up for a blessing or remain in your pew.
- While the service is over after the dismissal many people remain in their pews to listen to the postlude. Know you do not have to remain seated and are free to leave.
- After the service there is a time of fellowship: “Coffee Hour.” Coffee Hour is seen as an extension of worship. You are invited to stay for a cup of coffee, snack, and conversation.
Learn about upcoming worship services
You can also join us for worship online. Learn more here.
- Children are an important members of the St Paul community. We do not expect then to be still or quiet. We love their energy and emotions. We do expect children to participate, however they can, in worship.
- Right outside the sanctuary doors there is a cart with children’s books and activity bags.
- Around fifteen minutes into worship there is a Children’s Message/Sermon. Kids gather in the front of the sanctuary for this time.
- After the message kids are invited to attend Sunday School.
- Sunday School is in an upstairs classroom. It typically lasts twenty-five minutes. Kids return to worship in time for communion.
- If you have children under 3 they are welcome to attend the nursery, which is upstairs. (The ushers can direct you.) Nursery teachers will return your child to you at Communion.
Learn more about programs for children and youth at St. Paul here.
- St. Paul does not have a parking lot. The church is located in a quiet neighbourhood. There is typically plenty of street parking within a couple blocks.
- If you arrive late and are worried about causing attention, there is extra seating in the balcony. (This is also where the teenagers hang out.)